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Pheidole obtusospinosa queen
  • Pheidole obtusospinosa (Trimorphic Big Headed Ant)


    Pheidole obtusospinosa (Trimorphic Big Headed Ant)


    A relatively rare and highly sought after Pheidole species, Pheidole obtusospinosa can be found across the arid and semi arid woodlands across the US, specifically Southwestern states such as Texas and Arizona.


    Mature nests are often found underground beneath large stones and rocks. These colonies are often quite large and contain several thousand individuals. Nest entrances are typically characterised by being heavily guarded by their large trimorphic supermajors which block the entrance against intruders or predators such as Neivamyrmex leonardi


    Queens and workers are dark orange/reddish brown in colour. 


    In terms of physical size, queens are relatively large for Pheidole spp. measuring ]approximately 8-10mm whereas workers are trimorphic, meaning that supermajors are present. These can reach similar sizes to the queen! 


    Whilst there is not a lot information currently with regards to their husbandry requirements we find that queens found well in small test tube setups ensuring that a high humidity level is achieved and temperature parameters between 24-28C. 


    Queens are fully claustral and do not require feeding. Once the first nanitics arrive, ensure to feed a combination of seed blends, protein and sugars/nectars. 


    This species is active all year round but temperatures should be lowered during the winter to mimic natural environments and induce resting period for queen. 


    It is illegal and strictly frowned upon to release any non-native ants into the wild.

    Healthy Queens (1).png

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